Sunday, October 26, 2014

Colds are for pussies.

As one could probably deduct from my previous post, I have recently contracted a deadly illness. Oh, my, could it be? ...Yes. I have a cold.
My recent abuse of caffeine, adderall, junk food, tobacco, and other *recreational substances* has finally caught up to me- my body, instead of bearing the burden of my questionable choices, is now fighting me back. This is my wake up call, I think, that I can't live like a shameless hedonist for long without some unfortunate side-effects. I need to start taking better care of my body so that this won't happen again. Because, let's be real, colds are for pussies, and I don't like feeling like a pussy. Ever.
Hence, my plan of attack includes:
*assloads of cough drops
*chicken noodle soup
*steamy hot baths and showers
*oil-pulling with coconut oil
*Neti-pot nasal irrigation 
*various OTC cold medicines
*snorting salt water
And, most importantly, my secret cold-virus-ass-fucking remedy: huge, hot mugs of medicated green tea, made with 2 tea bags, 1 spoonful each of honey, lemon juice, and Evan Williams Honey, and a few drops each of ginger and peppermint essential oils. 
Take that, pussy cold virus.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

On health

Being sick- even with just a cold- makes you really value your health. It's such a temporary blessing. Be thankful for your health every day, because eventually it will be gone.